
Invite your team or manage multiple organizations

You can invite your team to collaborate on Automations under Settings -> Organization -> Members -> Invite Members

If you are managing automations for multiple organizations that have different billing preferences, you can add new organizations to your Domino account by clicking your profile in the bottom left corner of the screen and clicking New Organization.

Roles and Permissions

Domino provides a role-based access control to manage your team's interactions with automations and organizational settings. Let's break down the available roles and their associated permissions:

Billing Manager

Create Automation

Read Automation

Update Automation

Delete Automation

Manage Members

Manage Billing

Understanding the Roles:

  1. Owner: Has full control over all aspects of the organization, including automations, team management, and billing.

  2. Admin: Possesses the same permissions as the Owner, allowing comprehensive management of automations and team members.

  3. Member: Can create, view, and modify automations, but cannot delete them or manage team composition.

  4. Billing Manager: Focused solely on financial aspects, with access restricted to billing-related functions.

Last updated